Monday, August 18, 2008

An Enjoyable Blast From The Recent Past

I can tell you one thing. The week before last one was overall wonderful and most of the bad things happened for a good reason (Exception: loosing my camera. *sniff*)

So anyway, on Saturday, I went to meet the guys from the Retreat I met in NY. The only one I met in a more or less regular basis was Satvic, so it was nice to see the rest of the NY gang. We met at Rocco's in West Village (and I, indeed, wondered one thing: How come one gets lost when it comes to meeting with friends? This never happened to me when going solo, or maybe that has to do with my opennes to spontaneity). We ate at a paneer restaurant as well, and while I wanted to watch a French movie my sister recommended (and Satvic wanted to follow), we all ended up watching Pineapple Express, which has a typical independent movie aesthetic to it. Despite the fact that I thought I would miss the chance to watch Tell No One. That I did on thursday night, and I met two souls there. I forgot the name of the theatre at the moment but I know it is in South Houston between first and second Avenues. Not far from the Gita Studies I go with Satvic to.

Last tuesday, I went to the Bohemian Beer Garden in Astoria. It was a lot of fun, and I met a few people I am hoping to catch up with in the next event. It will be great! The place is really nice, and I am glad I made it there before it starts to get cold. I think Ganesh told me about this one before, so it was great to go.

Let us jump to Friday. I went to the movies with Satvic. He knows Queens like the back of his hand, so he walked with me towards the movie theater. We both ate in Panera Bread (I have to take Swapna there) and then we went to the movies.

Satvic surprised me on Saturday. He told me to go to his place to go to the Hindu temple in Manhattan with his family. I said "surprised me" because the original plan was meeting him there. I guess New Yorkers can really be surprising at times. At that temple, we would celebrate the birth of Krishna, or Krishna Janmasthmi. There was a crowd of people of different ethnicities. A great thing. Everyone was dancing, and helping out. I even met one neighbour I want to get to know better. It is good to know people who live a few blocks from you!

As for today, I am going to the Himalaya Tea House to discuss Middlesex. I have yet to read it, but I have never been in a book club, so I guess it will pay. In addition, I am taking a typing course online to type faster.

See you next week, lovelies!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

In Which I Explain Why Do I Have a Hard TIme Blogging Without Saying Too Much

All I can tell you is that there have been some changes in my life, but it is still to early to know where I am headed. Things for the time being look promising, but I don't want to get too excited yet. As the path becomes more clear and solid, I will tell you what it's all about, but this is the reason I have had a hard time blogging; it is hard to tell the public about undefined situations, especially when much of your life is devoted to such projects.

But man, I have not gone to Manhattan for quite some time and I miss it!

I want to see my old classmates soon. Especially Vic and Som. I wonder if there is any way I could join these two together, since they were classmates too, and both live in New Jersey. Tomorrow I am going to Jersey anyway, so I will take time to call both.

Today I will go to the Indian Parade in Manhattan, and see a few of my retreat friends. I am also planning to go tonight to watch Tell No One.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cravings: Your Worst Enemies... And other Things that Set New York Apart.

Cravings can be your worst enemies... But in my current case, it has nothing to do with dieting and everything to do with keeping the budget.

I had a big craving of rice and vegetables. So, I tried to look for a place to eat that stuff and I ended up eating in a Brazilian buffet.

Now, in my experiences, buffets in New York are different than buffets in other cities by one important factor: they weigh the food and you pay according to the weight. An annoying thing if you ask me, because you have to be carefully arranging the food so you don't pay more than what you intend to pay.

I can't remember the name of the Brazilian buffet where I ate today, but it is located in Broadway, if you get down of the train and the bridge on the left side.

Another anecdote of New York singularities: I was once returning home with The Kid when we passed by the New York Sports Club, a gym close to my home, also in Broadway. The Kid asked "Instead of going to those gyms in Manhattan, why don't you go there?"
"Because this is New York City." I replied.
See, I would love to go to that gym. In a perfect world, I would afford it. But reality is that you go to gyms according to your budget rather than according to the distance or whether you like it. I don't even want to try new passes. I would suffer.

And is it just me or some lounges are becoming the economic answer to clubs, at least in Manhattan? Lounges are too small to get a pack dancing, and I think that with age I have grown tired of small places that are too crowded. Last saturday I went to Leopard Lounge/Sing-Sing after I met VJ for dinner and I didn't last too long in there. I felt claustrophobic, to tell you the truth. Besides, it was, well "one more party," but I went to meet The Kid there.

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Walk in the Neighbourhood

Sunday was devoted to a walk in part of my neighbourhood. There were some interesting things to learn about it...

For example: Steinway can have different personalities. A big chunk is a mall (pretty much) with all the stores of different price ranges (New York Co. and Bennetton are two stores in this streets!) But the further you walk, you end up entering in the Middle East!
New York never ceases to amaze me!

The wide range of prices within the same block, for which also I made a mistake that costed me! I entered to a cafe, attracted by the music and the ambiance, but I was intrigued the menu only had prices in the coffee... I ended up paying $21. YIKES!

Also... I NEEDED to cut my hair. The first salon charged $25 without shampoo and blow drying. I refused to cut my hair there! The second one, in the same block was $15... See the differences within the same block? Dramatic!
I have struck a friendship with a very nice Greek lady who lives three houses from me. In a country famous for an individual not knowing their neighbours, this is comforting.

And this is why I love New York. So much exploring even around the corner. Now, I will love to know where is the Museum of the Moving image.!

Jersey and the Accents.

Last Friday was the day to visit Suburbia again... I went to Newport, New Jersey and found The Kid there. The going to Newport gave me some surprises...
  1. The mall is great! and some necessary things will be bought there, I think, like makeup.
  2. The Jackson Heights of Newport (I wish I knew its name). And they had a great authentic quality of Indian food as well. I forget the restaurant where we eat, but boy, the best dosas I had in a while are there.
The Kid also became romantic with me again. Especially during our return from New Jersey to New York. I like the physicality of it all (No, no sex, but the mere hugs, kisses, holding hands) and strangely enough, I feel a mixture of flattery and suffocation when he shows jealousy when I talk to or about other guys.

Ironically enough, there was a Latin party in the Guggenheim, but it became late in New Jersey to go there at all. I was tired

So, what else.

On Saturday, I went to the Gita studies... And it seems Satvic and I always find each other in the same train. When we returned, we talked about many things, like his observation that, while the Mandir can be a place for spiritual pursuits, it can also serve as a network. Satvic and I talked so much in the train returning to Queens that I missed my stop, but it mattered little. Then, Satvic and I started talking about accents. I was making the observation that, like me, Satvic came to the United States when he was 19 years old (and I don't know his age, but I assume he is either my age or no more than two years younger). My accent is this exotic mixture from nowhere, product of refusing both the horrible South Carolinean accent and having a majority of friends from everywhere but South Carolina back in college (and that includes American friends, most of whom were from different states, or second generation foreigners). Satvic, instead, speaks like a perfect New Yorker, and I told him that "But of course" he replied, "I am a New Yorker." Then came the compliment that made my day... I always speak with a smile in my face! I was not that aware of it, you know.

Don't worry, I won't get cocky about it.

Friday, August 1, 2008

A Pool Closes, A Pool Opens, Dollars I have to Make worth... And the Weekend's best Laid Plans.

  1. Not having bought groceries last sunday, I have had to eat my breakfast outside. It has been for the most part $1 Nature Valley bars that I buy on my way to work. Except for today, when I went to Starbucks and took one small protein shake from a brand of smoothies I don't remember. It is low in calories.
  2. Today, however, I ate bits here and there, perhaps because walking a lot in the middle of the heat makes you hungry and loose energy. Let alone that I had a very busy (and very accomplished) day at work. So I ate a small sandwich at Thalia, an ice cream yogurt, a cereal bar and some chocolate... I guess I am going to have to walk a little less...
  3. I explored some stores, including Sephora. I experimented with some makeup and I was pleased with what I got. It looked natural but I looked more fresh. I will buy this next friday with my fat check (don't get me wrong, I won't burn all the money, OK?
  4. My best female friend and ex-roommate in college, who I will call Swapna (oddly enough, this is the second time I rename someone with the name of someone else I know. But this is the name that I can make a connection with) is coming to New York this coming September. I told her she could stay at my house, something I will tell Jess soon. Swapna's fiancee, "Harshit," might come too, reason for which I need to investigate an accomodation. Swapna comes both for a course of Genetics here, and to look for a job in New York. As much as I love this apartment and I am very pleased with Jess, if Swapna lands on a job and has not married Harshit at that time, I will move with her... That will be in a year though.
  5. So anyway... On the job front, things have got much better. I started seeing four clients and I even saw five today. And even in complicated cases, I managed. It boosted my confidence as opposed to last week.
  6. On Sunday, I went with Satvic to a Mandir (for those not Indian or familiar with Hinduism or Indian terms, Mandir is synonim of Hindu Temple). It is North Indian and Bengali for the most part, but it is near my house. I am still eager to go to the South Indian Mandir in Jamaica, the Ganesha Temple with the Jeweler, but I will have to talk to her. Or maybe I will go on my own. I am most familiar with South Indian traditions, and my trend of having a bunch of South Indian friends has not changed since I moved to New York. But I will definitely will come back to the mandir near Astoria quite often.
  7. But speaking of friends in communities, tomorrow there is a Latino party in Guggenheim. There is also another one on Saturday. I want to go to the one on friday because it is more of a networking event. I was telling The Kid that I don't want to party every single friday and saturday. At 29, I have noticed that doing this in two consecutive days wears me out. Now imagine me doing this every weekend. I need more variety, you know.
  8. I will work extra hours three days a week. It will be a welcome gain of extra money, extra experiences, and some other good advantages.
  9. Touched base with G. We will see each other next week. I need to touch base with quite a few of my classmates!
  10. Yesterday I went to the Y! Gym (I enter for free as a perk of working at the agency where I work). It was WAY BETTER than I expected.
  11. I am reading Personal Velocity, by Arthur Miller's daughter (The name escapes). It is a great book!
  12. An asshole from my earlier years of highschool was talking about me in Facebook saying that I was planing to get even on everyone. And I am getting even, as the best revenge is living well. I used my real name at the time, and right now I am using my nickname, so there is no way for him or the rest to tell that I am around. I knew this because the only worthy classmate I had pointed me to that forum. That confirms I have no interest in connecting with those people!
  13. Ohh! Back on Sunday. I went to Jackson Heights and invested in a deal that was there. So, in that store, I was calling the lady Auntie and she asked me if I was from Afghanistan, which is something people tend to ask when I am in Muslim context, wearing a proper South Asian dress. I tend to get mistaken for a lot of nationalities, but this was the first time I was mistaken as Afghan while in jeans and a shirt (I Usually get things like "Italian" "Israeli," "Egyptian" and the sort. G pointed out the equation: "Saying Auntie + Dark hair + Tall + Fair = Afghan/ Persian." I knew in New York, which has double and triple the diversity than South Carolina, where I lived before coming here, people mistaking me for other as the Latina I am would multiply... Interestingly enough, also more Latinos identify me as one of their own without me having to speak. They speak Spanish to me immediately!
  14. That's all I have so far... Unless I remember other things.