Friday, June 27, 2008

Landing In New York... Where it all Will Unleash

Between yesterday and today, I have been feeling very edgy. It might be due to the stress of change. I was not coming here with the smile on my face I expected to arrive with. For a neurotic person like myself, being over the edge is not a good thing.

I hope I find an apartment within a week. I was going to have my first two interviews but I canceled both. I was (and still am) extremely tired. Tomorrow, however, I have two or three interviews for apartments. Let us see how those go.

I have plenty of things to do and I need to organize my time. I need to keep studying for the licensure, send things to the ASWB of New York, and hopefully I won't need to cancel social commitments. I also need to buy a pair of jeans and a good partying shirt.

During my trip in the plane, I was feeling bloated and with stomach pain. And feeling bloated means partially feeling fat.

Ahh and now the reasons about coming to New York (aside for the fact that I have a job and friends here).

My sister was a fan of Sex and The City, and there was some quote in a chapter saying that girls came to New York looking for love, or something like that. But I feel I come to New York in search of my destiny or, to quote Paulo Coelho in The Alchemist, to search and live my personal history. Quoting others aside, I need this time and what is happening to me. My heart is soft and I need to make it hard. I need to defy some of the expectations and conventions society has imposed on me, perhaps in a bigger way than I have been doing so until now.

As I landed, clouds covered New York City. I was feeling as if this was a present I was unwrapping, or as if I was feeling in front of the curtain for this chapter in my life.

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