Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Adaptations, Studies, Economy and a Period of Learning

Once August start, I will start studying for my LMSW test. For now, my biggest concern is adapting to work. Last week, it was challenging. This week, so far, my boss seems pleased with my progress, but I need to do well at any rate.

Did I talk about the New York City Parks and Recreations gyms? Didn't I? OK. They are good, especially the ones in Chelsea and East 54. Now, do NOT expect an Equinox or other fancy stuff! They are nice enough though, with all the necessary equipment, and even though I admit I miss my university gym, this community center ones are enough for me. I plan to alternate these with the Y! gym in Manhattan, because it is free for the employers of my company. Tomorrow I am planning to go.

S. called me last thursday, because he was going to India. He called me from the airport minutes before he left. That is very sweet of him. Last sunday I spoke to him via chat also and he told me Hyderabad was more crowded and other more changes last time he went. "I feel like a tourist here, " he would say. "Streets that used to be familiar to me are completely new." Made me wonder what should I expect from Hyderabad when I go there... Something I plan to do within two or three years.

Let us go back to thursday. I hung out with CK once again and he made some confessions of his own. He is married, but there are issues in his marriage that turned him into a very cynical person. He was also telling me that he saw the same with his friends. I have met another guy with sort of the same vision than him, a guy I used to go to school with. I am basically talking about views on marriage, sexuality and the life of couples. Both of them agree on one thing: live your life as you wish but be clear with others so they don't get hurt. If they get it, enjoy. I will leave it at that.

Now, I guess this is the time I can learn about every view in the continuum. The Kid also told me he does not believe in love either, but he believes in Romance. So, what exactly is love for people? Is it that life in New York turns people into cynics. Is this one of the points in Sex and the City (especially Candance Bushnell's book as opposed to the TV series, although the series had much of it!) Is this a view exclusive of New York? Or is it all over the place? At any rate, sometimes I think, if this is true, I feel I have confirmed being happily single.

So anyway, I guess I already talked about the parties I went last weekend in my last entry. On friday, at the birthday party of Eric Vega, I met Ganesh (I know a Ganesh in real life, and it is not him. Remember that I am changing the names of the people in this blog). It happens that we just clicked. It is like my friend the Jeweler was saying: "In New York, you either click with people or you don't." Ganesh also told me something along these lines when I met him. We went to a place to eat sweets at the Lower East Side (I wish I knew the name! It has a really good Tres Leches, a desert so good that many countries in Latin America claim it their own, although I am humble enough to say that it came from either the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico or Nicaragua) and then we stayed talking at the Union Square for a while. I spent a good time with Ganesh! He called me on Sunday to check on me and see that we could possibly get together in the weekend.

On Saturday I finally met the lady I will call The Jeweler. She has a beautiful jewel store at the Upper East side of Manhattan. She was telling me that the economic situation of the US of A is being felt in businesses like her own. I then met a Turkish friend of hers who was in more or less the same situation... That made me follow both things with interest: the economic situation (although I thread with caution, because these days is hard to tell realistic concerns from naive optimistm or scandalous pesimism) and how the presidential candidates are willing to solve this mess. So yes, I am also following the elections with more interest than before.

At night I learned another lesson; part of the reason I am a bit tired of clubbing (or at least not into it as I was in my early and mid 20's) is about how hard it is to meet people. I honestly prefer networking events, retreats and gettogethers. The last bunch of people I met in Tonic, a bar restaurant in Times Square was right before the Indian-themed party in the second floor, for which they were coming. It is funny that I got the attention of one of them because he saw me writing.

I am also looking forward to meet VJ sometime this week. He lives in Connecticut, but close enough to New York.

Wait for part 2 of this series of entries. I need to finish the pool so the cummulative effects do not come anymore.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Entry Where I Talk About Networking...

Everybody knows New York is expensive... But that does not mean one has to do things, like staying prisoner in your house.

And with the crowds of New York, it can get lonely...

But it does not have to be this way. One simply has to go carefully, risk some, and network some.

So, for one, I use Meetup and know some people through it. Orkut and Facebook help a lot, but Meetup allows you to meet people in addition to know any good activities and groups.

Another weapon is going to networking events. G. was in an organization that was hosting an event at the Sundaran Tagore Gallery in Chelsea (by the way, I should go to Chelsea more often to see the galleries. It is like entering to mini museums of Modern art. And for free!) I met quite a few souls there.

Also, I went to two parties this weekend: Eric Vega's birthday in Webster Hall (located in the Lower East Side) and an Indian-themed party in Tonic (which is in Times Square!). And I have met some people there.

The retreat I had in May was another good way to meet people.

Also, I have a book called NYC Free and Dirt Cheap as a guide.

So, see, New York can be fun for people under a budget too. It is all a matter of knowing how to manage.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

These Past Two Weeks Part 2: Central Park Concerts and The Kid

Well, as you know, there are a lot of free events at Central Park this summer. I already went to my first free concert in which I enjoyed Dengue Fever and Rachid Taha. There, I also finally met the guy who in this blog I will call "the Kid." Like me, The Kid is pretty much starting his career here in New York. We both met some of the members of Dengue Fever, and it was great fun. Once the concerts finished, we walked a lot of avenues in Manhattan to end up eating in a restaurant called Agra at the 6th street (between Lexington and 3rd, I believe), and the kid was clever enough to make sure the waiter would get very authentic food (even though it was North Indian). This occurred after trying to eat at Fig and Olive only to realize that it was beyond our budget. Ever since, The Kid and I have given each other a lot of company, hanging out together everywhere. There was a party at Tavern at the Green and we both went together. We also dined together at Tierras Colombianas here in Astoria (not the best choice for a vegetarian person on a tight budget, even with someone else paying and all. The juices are amazing though, and The Kid loved the sweet plaintain with Guava paste and cheese), and then we hung out together and flirted a lot in Bungalo, a lounge in Broadway street not far from that restaurant. Really cozy, and decent music to dance (with the occasional annoying reaggeton).

However... The Kid and I are not dating, but he for sure loves to flirt with me. The thing is that right now I am trying to figure out my life and perhaps enjoy my happily single status, at least for a while. Besides, I have discovered that I have a hard time with casual relationships. I am not sure what it is about me that I end up getting too involved. It might not happen, but I don't want to take chances.

All this said, maybe I will soon meet the person that makes me change my mind about singlehood, but I want to enjoy it until/if such thing happens.

But despite the flirtation and constant company, I am clear on one thing: The Kid and I will not be an item. Like I said, he is five years younger than I, on the other hand, I don't feel like committing right now and I am not good at casual relationships either. I will probably talk about it in another entry.

The last incidents with The Kid occurred this weekend. On Friday, I don't think I was in my best behaviour. After eating with my friend Smee (will talk more details about that in a next entry), I knew that the party was at Webster Hall at the Lower East Side. So I came with The Kid... But left with someone else. (And before any of you assume, I can assure you nothing happened).

So, to compensate for Saturday, as soon as I found out that there was a Desi Party in Tonic (via three guys I met there), I called the kid and urged him to come, which he did. I made him meet the other guys, and finally, we left. He flirted with me and told me twice that he wished he was 32. He can be funny like that

OK... More to come soon. I need to break down the pool of entries so I can update weekly.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Why's Rules, and Procedures of This Blog.

There are reasons why am I doing a public blog about my life in New York. Perhaps for some of you there are purely egotistical reasons. Some of these exhibitionist reasons are there, but there is a lot more to it.

First of all, I have a blog in Livejournal and I am faithful to that blog. While the events in this blog are based on my real life, the nature of my blog in LJ is more intimate. That one is a blog I use for purely therapeutic reasons, and I don't mean rants alone. The nature of the entries here might be a bit different, part of the reason being that I cannot force anyone to be members of LJ, especially when they don't blog. Besides, I don't want all the readers to know about certain topics, and that is an advantage LJ offers, to chose which fellow LJ ers can know what. Of course, if any of you wants to get in touch with me because you happen to use an LJ, that is fine, especially if you live far away. Otherwise, sometimes I choose a public topic for public LJ entries too.

Anyway... Why the Blogger version of Life and Philosophy in the Urban Landscape?

  1. Exhibitionism aside, I want to expose my life with a purpose. I want to communicate the successes and pitfalls of a person with a learning disability living in a city like New York. I want to touch people who are challenged in certain ways and give them faith, but also give a realistic portrait of my entrance into adult life. I came this far of graduating in a country that did not birth me, making it in communities that did not birth me, and right now, looking for more personal growth. It is a matter of inspiring others, and occasionally even myself.
  2. To communicate with old (and even new) friends IF they want to do so. This is a way of not imposing myself in a way an e-mail would smack as. I have left many friends behind who might want to be in touch with me, and I think a blog can accomplish this kind of communication.
  3. To be able to network with other wordsmiths.
  4. To pave the way for less personal and more intellectual blogs.
Anyway, there are some rules and procedures.
  1. Intimate details are out of the question. This is after all a public space.
  2. The people I talk about are real people, and because of this, I will alter their names. Such alterations can go from the initials of their names, to name changes, to nicknames.
  3. In that tradition of name alterations, don't expect me to reveal secrets of friends, or very intimate details about THEIR lives. If such friends are reading this now, you can rest assured that your secrets will be safe with me.
  4. Like I said before, I compile details in a diary and from these details I will decide what can and cannot come to the blog.
  5. I will mention a lot of places in the New York City area... Because they are awesome or not so awesome, and because they are part of my life.
In addition, apparently this might turn into a weekly affair. It is hard for me to update this blog daily with such a tight schedule like I am having now. Fridays and/or Saturdays might be my designated day.

Stay tuned... If you want.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Last Couple of Weeks Part 1: Starting Work , Moving to My Apartment and Figuring Out My Budget.

Thanks partly to lack of internet at home it took me a while to come back to keep you guys posted about my life again (and read of you in the process) didn't it?


There has been way too much going on these past two weeks that I am going to have to break it down. I will try, however, to summarize as much as you can, so it does not feel overwhelming.

I started to work, and so far, it has been a good experience, although I am still adapting. I will talk as little as I can about work because, after all, I work with a lot of clients, so confidentiality is a paramount. I can tell you, however, that I have become well acquainted with Elena, the Puerto Rican lady in the cubicle across from me.

One of the things of living in New York is the awareness of how expensive it can be, and how one has to look for ways for 1.Figure out one's budget, and 2. How to balance the check and buy good things in cheap prices. Or at least decent prices. So, for the time being, my lunch and sometimes even my dinner consists on protein shakes, except for saturdays, sundays and, well, some fridays. This has nothing to do with diet and everything to do with prices. One of the protein shakes, the one I lunch on every day, is $2.25 in the deli I eat it at. The other one has less calories and more protein but is slightly more expensive too. $3 or $4 depending on where you buy it. The upside is that I am loosing some weight, but not very rapidly. In the weekends I eat with friends and oftentimes they pay my meals totally or partially. And by the way, my job gives me an hour of lunch break which is nice, because I can take a walk towards Broadway, or seat in the sun, but whatever I do, I will be out of the stress of work, which trust me, some days can be stressful. I do enjoy my job thought.

Speaking of body issues. I got a new Gym subscription at the New York City Parks and Recreation gyms. I can go to any of them in any of the five boroughs and all for $75 a year. I am starting tomorrow.

I also finally moved to Astoria, which is a beautiful zone in Queens. Manhattan is Manhattan, that is true, but Astoria is pretty damn good with lots of cafes, stores, bodegas to buy fresh fruit at cheaper prices, and some other nice surprises. I think moving to Queens has been one of the best decisions I have made. I still love Manhattan, and stay there long after I finish working, but Astoria is really great, convenient and has places to enjoy on those nights you are too tired to go to Manhattan but still want to have some fun. Also, I have double the space Gabby has in her apartment for more than half the price.

I live with a white American gal, Jess. We get along well so far, and each of us is also doing her own thing, which is the best kind of roommate to have after a good friend. I felt really motivated to clean the house on my own because of this.

I am also happy that G. got a job in New York and is still here. The rest of my classmates are in the suburbs (Jersey, Long Island) so it is good to have someone in one of the boroughs. But also I have made a few friends along the way.

I will break it down in days to come. These are just the first details.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Back on track.

I know I have let you down for two weeks. But lack of internet at home makes a blogger difficult to blog. I have been compiling everything I have to write here in my notebook, and I think I am going to break it down. Stay tuned! Sometime tonight or tomorrow I shall post.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hopes, Tough Times, and Fast Advances

My first days in New York have been interesting.

Friday: Went to see my first two apartments, both in Astoria (a beautiful area in Queens). I liked the first because my roommate would be a girl, the kitchen was big enough and it had enough closet space. The second one had a very small bedroom and I did not like it. In addition, I went to a job interview. At night, my friend VJ and I were planning to hang out, but I was really tired, and was going to tell VJ I would cancel. He canceled first ad I could not be happier.

Saturday: During the day I saw one apartment in Sunnyside Queens that I loved. I had a very spacious bedroom in front of the room, a decent enough kitchen, a cute little dog, and a guy who would not be there at night because he owned a night club. On my way, Satvic called to invite me to some Gita studies, but it was so unfortunate I was busy.

In the afternoon, I went to eat with my uncle Ant. and my aunt C. to 212 New York. These are people who have been good friends of my family, particularly my father and my uncle. We were laughing, remembering childhood memories and eating a good breakfast food.

After a beauty routine, and buying a few shirts my sister was suggesting, I returned home to become in contact with BB, an old Facebook friend. We met at the Korean Path, where he was staying. We were trying to look for a place to eat and chill out, and we went through much of Times Square with that purpose. I was afraid that I would choose a restaurant that would end up being expensive. We ended up in a restaurant in the 8th avenue, which name I can't remember. When I read the menu, I thought it was expensive, but he replied it was nowhere near as expensive as Dublin or London. Still, even though he asked for the most expensive entry ($30) I settled for the appetizer ($10... Very expensive for an appetizer).
After that, BB and I went back to the hotel and waited for his friend Raj. From them on, we went back to Times Square searching for a bar or club. We even entered to Hard Rock Cafe, but got out immediately. We ended up at the jazz club at the Columbus Circle, but we were in the third to last song. Then I decided to return because I am still staying with Gabby, and I don't have the key to her apartment.

Sunday: This was a bit of a frustrating day to me. I had some rashes in the skin that did not let me move very well. I saw a couple of apartments. One was too far a walk for the train and too small. The other one did not even have a livingroom. Then, the guy of the Sunnyside apartment called me and I said that I needed to meet him before a final decision, so we decided to meet on Monday. At night Bijilash called to invite me to go to the sight-seeing bus with him, but I was too itched, and needed to wake up tomorrow early.

Yesterday and Today: Work went great, and they are willing to give me a work permit if I pass the probation. YAY! In addition, I called the Sunnyside apartment guy twice, and he did not answer. But Jn called and I accepted. When I was going to look for the key, the guy paged me saying that he would not be in the apartment that night and whether we could finalize details tomorrow, but I made up my mind. (Besides, what guarantees me he would be there tomorrow if he could not keep the appointment and would not call me?) So, now I have a beautiful room in Astoria with a female roommate and three trains nearby! At night, I ate at the apartment of my uncle and aunt, and we went to the sun deck... There was a wonderful view of New York. Too bad I did not bring the camera!!!

And also... Ck, a guy I met at the subway called me. It happens that we were going to meet today, and we had to put it for tomorrow. But then he said "I want to have a date with you." ERRR WHAT? I will go, but I would like to warn him that this is not a date, and that I am not ready for dates. I just need to find the appropriate tone and words to be polite. Either I am overprotecting myself or some people go way too fast!

As a sidenote: The adjustment to New York. Gabby advised me to be highly restricted these first few months in order to figure out how much can I save or I have left from rent and basic needs. My awareness of New York being expensive is making me scared. Before you jump on Gabby, this is something I know already, and from time to time the question of whether I will be able to survive New York haunts me like a ghost. Of course, what I desire the most is friends. But still... I feel scared.